Databases Reference
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Click on the Update button next to the add-on. The UPM will then download
and install the latest available version. A success message will appear when it
is finished.
Alternatively, the updated add-on can be manually uploaded. The update
procedure is identical to the single-click option. Generally, it is not needed
to remove the "old" add-on before updating it, provided the add-on developer
incremented the version number.
Updating add-ons can fail in some cases, for example, when a plugin
developer did not anticipate a new version of the UPM such that
updating the add-on on a newer version of the UPM fails. Other
reasons exist too. It is then helpful to stop the Confluence instance,
remove the cache folders ( https://confluence.atlassian.
com/x/TgG_EQ ), restart the instance, and re-try updating or uploading
the previous add-on version.
Removing installed add-ons
You can remove an installed add-on from Confluence in the Manage Add-ons page.
Uninstalling an add-on permanently removes it from Confluence and the file is
removed from the home directory. If you only want to temporarily remove it, you
may choose to disable your add-on instead.
To uninstall an add-on, perform the following steps:
1. Browse to the Administration Console ( Administration |
Confluence Admin ).
2. Choose Manage Add-ons in the left-hand menu.
3. Find the add-on you want to uninstall in the add-on list.
4. Click on the add-on to open the details view.
5. Click on the Uninstall button.
6. Confirm by clicking on the Continue button in the dialog.
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