Databases Reference
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If your macro has a body, this body will be available in your macro template
with the $body variable. The content of your body depends on how the
processing is done.
Processing option
No macro body
Select this option if your macro doesn't need a body.
If your macro has a body and you make use of the body
in your template, Confluence will escape any HTML in
the body.
So, if the body is:
<b>Example HTML</b>
Then the value of $body is:
This will be rendered as:
<b>Example HTML</b>
Use this option if you want the $body variable to be
exactly like the user entered it. You should process the
body within the template to make sure HTML is output-
ted by the template.
The body will be rendered, so most HTML will be
passed to the template unmodified; but Confluence-
specific markup, such as macro definitions, will be pro-
cessed and rendered.
So, if the body is:
<b>Example HTML</b>
Then the value of $body is:
<b>Example HTML</b>
This will be rendered as:
Example HTML
Template : This is where the magic happens: the macro template. Here you
should write the code that specifies what your macro will do. We will go into
detail on how to write a user macro template soon, but here is a quick guide
up front:
° Use HTML and Confluence-specific XML elements in your macro
template. Use the Storage Format tool to find the specific XML.
° It is possible to use Apache Velocity in the template.
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