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'But that was twenty years ago,' I said, trying to convince myself as well as Boston.
We had to wait some hours before a truck rattled through. Fortunately the driver was
happy to be flagged down and Selim and his brother clambered aboard the flatbed in si-
lence. 'Be careful,' the driver told us as he gestured at the memorial. 'He wasn't the only
foreigner killed round here. Bandits and rebels from Rwanda come across the national park
to steal and kill. Make sure you get to Benaka tonight. Don't camp here.'
Before I could question him further, the truck's engine burst to life and they rattled off
southwards. I looked at Boston, who only shrugged.
'Benaka, then,' I said.
'Uganda will be different, Lev. There are good people in Uganda. At least, in Uganda, a
policeman will ask you for your name before he beats you up.'
Boston was beaming again, but I wasn't in the mood to reciprocate. It was 10km until
Benaka, and another thirty until the border. Along the way we would have to ditch the
more cumbersome parts of our packs and hope to re-provision, but I was eager to get every
one of those kilometres behind us.
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