Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
2008]. Radar interference assessments, the development of permitting processes, and tech-
niques and technology for mitigation of any radar interference by wind turbines are all on-
going activities involving the FAA, DOD, manufacturers of radar systems, and developers
of wind power stations.
A large-scale wind turbine tower has a radar cross section (RCS) equivalent to that of a
building, a hill, or the tower of a high-voltage transmission line. The major components of a
wind turbine contribute to its RCS approximately as follows [Seifert and Meyers 2008]:
75 percent
20 percent
4 percent
nose cone:
1 percent
There are two main types of potential interference with radar by wind turbines: Direct inter-
ference and Doppler interference . Direct interference can cause
high reflectivity
reduced sensitivity
false images
shadow areas
Doppler interference, caused by the rotating blades, alters signal frequencies and pro-
duces false targets. Doppler interference can impact both airborne and fixed radar. In gen-
eral, the effects of Doppler interference with radar signals can be studied using the techniques
described earlier for analyzing TV interference.
Seifert [2005] provides the following examples of potential impact and non-impact loca-
tions involving radar installations and wind turbines:
Potential Impact Locations
airport approach and exit zones
training routes used for testing radar systems
routes used for training air crews
low-altitude radar beam areas
helicopter zones
attack corridors
specialized radar and telemetry areas
test and evaluation ranges
specialized military mission impact areas
Non-Impact Locations
normal high altitude routes
regions more than 15 miles from airports or transmitters
wind power stations in areas served by radar systems with specialized filters
( e.g. Palm Springs, California, and Boston, Massachusetts) more than 95 per-
cent of wind power stations in the U.S.
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