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rate of invasive populations and these stochastic factors can be accounted for in
integro-differential models (Lewis and Pacala 2000).
Boulant et al. (2009) developed a cellular automaton model (see Chap. 8) for the
spread of two pine species ( Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. nigra )in
Mediterranean grasslands. This stochastic stage-structured integro-differential
model allows simulation of pine expansion within a 500m-wide rectangular gridded
landscape divided into 25
25 m cells. The demographic component of the model
accounts for the whole complexity of the pine life cycle: trees begin to produce
cones at the age of 10 years and cone production is age-(height-)dependent and
density-dependent. Therefore the life-cycle was divided into 15 stages (Fig. 16.4 ):
nine seedlings age-classes (from 1-year old (S 1 ) to 9-year old (S 9 )) and six adult
classes. Adults were divided into four 2-m height classes (A 2-4m to A > 8m )of
increasing fecundity. When the total density of adults in a cell reaches the maximal
density of isolated trees ( D is ), adults are considered as dominant in woodland
(A dom ). Individuals reaching maturity when the total density of adults in a cell is
larger than the maximal density of dominant trees ( D dom ) are considered as sup-
pressed (A sup ), i.e. with a reduced fecundity. When the maximum tree density
( D max ) is reached, no more seedlings can establish. Seedling recruitment was
modelled explicitly as a function of tree fecundity and of the interactions between
shrub cover, post-dispersal seed predation, grazing pressure, grass competition, and
drought (see Boulant et al. 2009 for more details on demographic parameters).
The dispersal kernel of the pine model is a mixture of two exponential functions
that combines a small proportion ( p ) of long-distance dispersal and a larger
proportion (1 - p ) of short-distance dispersal, which was estimated from field
data. Since dispersal was supposed to be isotropic, a one-dimensional form of the
kernel was used although the landscape was two-dimensional. The probability that
a seed produced in a cell i reaches a cell j located at a distance x ij thus writes:
kx ij ¼
p 2 e 2x ij = a 1
p a 1
2 e 2x ij = a 2
p a 2
, where a 1 and a 2 are the mean distances of
Immature stages (Seedlings)
A su p
A dom
Mature stages (Adults)
D A > D dom
D A < D dom
2m-height classes
for isolated trees
s j = 0 if D A > D max
D A > D is
A 2-4 m
A >8 m
Fig. 16.4 Life cycle graph for the pine model [simplified from Boulant et al. (2009)]. Adult
density thresholds (in a 25 25 m cell): maximum density of isolated trees ( D is ), maximum
density of dominant trees in woodland ( D dom ), maximum tree density ( D max ). D A : adult density in a
cell (including isolated, dominant and suppressed trees), s j : seedling establishment rate
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