Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
K EITH LH (1988), Principles of Environmental Sampling, American Chemical Society Washington, DC.
*K EITH LH (1991), Environmental Sampling and Analysis: A Practical Guide, Lewis publishers, Boca
Raton, FL.
K LEMM DJ, L EWIS PA, F ULK F, L AZORCHAK JM (1990), Macroinvertebrate Field and Laboratory Methods for
Evaluating the Biological Integrity of Surface Waters, USEPA. EPA/600/4-90/030.
M ASTERS GM (1998), Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle, NJ.
McD ERMOTT HJ (2004), Air Monitoring for Toxic Exposures, 2nd Edition, Wiley-Interscience Hoboken, NJ.
P OPEK EP (2003), Sampling and Analysis of Environmental Chemical Pollutants: A Complete Guide,
Academic Press San Diego, CA.
S MITH R-K (1997), Handbook of Environmental Analysis, 3rd Edition, Genium Publishing Corporation
Amstordam, NY.
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (1999), Surface Water Quality Monitoring Procedures
Manual Austin, TX.
US Army Corps of Engineers (2001), Requirements for the Preparation of Sampling and Analysis Plans:
Engineer Manual, EM 200-1-3 (http://www.usace.army.mil/).
US EPA (1989), Soil Sampling Quality Assurance User's Guide, 2nd Edition, EPA/600/8-89/046 (http://
US EPA (1995), Superfund Program Representative Sampling Guidance: Volume 1, Soil, Interim final,
EPA 540-R-95-141, OSWER Directive 9360.4-10, PB96-963207, December 1995.
US EPA (1995), Superfund Program Representative Sampling Guidance: Volume 2, Air (Short-Term
Monitoring), Interim final, EPA 540-R-95-140, OSWER Directive 9360.4-09, PB96-963206, December
US EPA (1997), Superfund Program Representative Sampling Guidance: Volume 3, Biological, Interim
final, EPA 540-R-97-028, OSWER Directive 9285.7-25A, PB97-963239, December 1995.
US EPA (1995), Superfund Program Representative Sampling Guidance: Volume 4, Waste, Interim final,
EPA 540-R-95-141, OSWER Directive 9360.4-14, PB96-963207, December 1995.
US EPA (1995), Superfund Program Representative Sampling Guidance: Volume 5, Surface Water and
Sediment, Interim final, OSWER Directive 9360.4-16, December 1995.
US EPA (1997), Guidance for Data Quality Assessment, Practical Method for Data Analysis, EPAQA/G-9.
US EPA (2001), Methods for Collection, Storage and Manipulation of Sediments for Chemical and
Toxicological Analyses: Technical Manual. EPA-823-B-01-002, October 2001 (http://www.epa.gov/
US EPA (2002), Groundwater Guidelines for Superfund and RCRA Project Managers, Office of Solid Waste
and Emergency Response, EPA 542-S-02-001 (http://www.epa.gov/reg3wcmd/ca/pdf/sampling.pdf).
US Geological Survey (1993a), Guidelines for the Processing and Quality Assurance of Benthic
Invertebrate Samples Collected as Part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program. Open-
File Report 93-407.
US Geological Survey (1993b), Methods for Sampling Fish Communities as Part of the National Water-
Quality Assessment Program. Open-File Report 93-104.
US Geological Survey (1993c), Methods for Collecting Benthic Invertebrates as Part of the National
Water-Quality Assessment Program. Open-file Report 93-406.
US Geological Survey (1993d), Methods for Collecting Algal Samples as Part of the National Water-
Quality Assessment Program. Open-file Report 93-409.
US Geological Survey (1993e), Methods for Characterizing Stream Habitat as Part of the National Water-
Quality Assessment Program. Open-file Report 93-408.
W IGHT GD (1994), Fundamentals of Air Sampling, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.
1. Give a list of water quality parameters that must be measured immediately in the field
while sample is being taken.
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