Image Processing Reference
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Let S t n ( x )beasetof N observations of a continuous process affecting the shape
of the observation space ʩ at time points t n with n =1 ,...,N . As the group
of diffeomorphisms is closed under composition, we can obtain a diffeomorphic
model of the overall deformation between time-points t 1 and t N by concatenat-
ing pair-wise diffeomorphic registrations ˆ n ,sothat S t n ( ˆ n ( x ))
≈ S t n +1 ( x ). A
mapping from any image S i to another S j with j>i canbeexpressedasa
concatenation of transforms ʦ ij = ˆ i ⓦ···ⓦˆ j (Figure 1 ). Each ˆ j is calculated
based on an image pair and a prior on the deformation field that acts as regular-
ization. Our aim is to find a spatio-temporal regularization prior that accurately
models the deformation over time.
Fig. 1. Sketch of a continuous deformation and an intermediate shape between t 2 and
t 3 computed from three possible registrations φ 2
The properties of the SVF parametrization of diffeomorphisms can be
exploited to formulate a prior on temporal smoothness in a chain of pairwise
image registrations. Also, it enables to use the model residual as a weighting
function that reduces the influence of the prior in regions where the assumption
of constant deformation does not hold.
2.1 Pair-Wise LogDemons Registration
We calculate diffeomorphic mappings ˆ n between images using the LogDemons
algorithm [ 26 ]. The algorithm computes a diffeomorphism ˆ ( x ) defined on x ∈
ʩ ↂ R
d ,d ∈{
2 , 3
and parametrized by an SVF v via the ODE
( x, ˄ )
= v ( ˆ ( x, ˄ )) ,
ˆ ( x, 0) = id
Equation ( 1 ) represents a geodesic curve between a source image S ( x ) and a
target image T ≈ S ( ˆ ( x, 1)) in the one-parameter subgroup generated by SVF
of the Lie group of diffeomorphisms D . The velocity field v is an element of
the tangent space at the identity T id D and the flow ˆ ( x, 1) is defined as the
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