Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
agencies for a short period of time may con-
tain these financial statement pages. In the
financial statement, there would be revela-
tions of the amount sanctioned for the proj-
ect, details of breakup of the allocation of
fund, and utilization thereof, and it may also
include the auditor's report.
Site of Implementation
: Different research
programs have got different areas of opera-
tion, which vary over the types of research. If
a research is to be carried out under labora-
tory conditions, then the locations and
facilities used are required to be mentioned.
If a research program is field oriented, sur-
vey type, or experimental type, the locations
of the experimental fields or the survey fields
must clearly be mentioned. But location
specifications are not absolutely necessary
for all types of research program; these are
specially required for field experiment or
field research.
Executive Summary
: During the fast-moving
era of the present days, people of high profile
get very little time to go through all the
tidbits of any huge research report. This is
particularly more applicable for the topmost
administrator, policy makers, and other
prominent persons. The executive summary
provides the bird's eye view of the entire
research program carried out, vis-a-vis the
output and its implications for the develop-
ment of the society thereof. The researcher
should be very careful while writing the
executive summary so that all essential
information is put together in a nutshell.
: Experimental
materials and method constitute a very
important part of the research report. Syn-
chronization of these two factors is essential
for a fruitful research outcome. Absence or
fault in any one of these factors is bound to
have tremendous impact on the whole
research process. A good methodology
accompanied by a faulty or bad material is
not going to help the researcher in fulfilling
the objective of the research program. Simi-
larly, good material with unjustified method-
ology also results in the same output. In this
section the researcher clearly spells out the
materials, information and data generated,
technique, and field of data collections used
in the research program. The researcher also
clearly indicates the methodology used in
analyzing the information to extract the
hidden truth from the data. If the researcher
develops some new methods or methodology
that also required to be clearly discussed. In
fact, the material and methodology section
induces the future researchers to take up
similar studies in other fields. Various
limitations of the materials and method
used (if any) are also discussed.
and Methods
Introduction and Rationale
: The purpose of
writing the introduction and rationale of the
project is to make the readers understand the
purpose, the importance, and the usefulness
of the research program taken up. In this
section, the brief background upon which
the project has been conceptualized and the
status of the research vis- ` -vis the shortcom-
ing of the already taken research program are
clearly spelled out. A clear definition or the
statement of the problem must be focused
with backup from review of literature on
recent works done in the area of the proposed
: As has already been mentioned,
clear statement of the objective of any
research program lays the foundation of
the whole program. In writing the objective
and specific objective of the program, one
should be very careful to state these in a
clear-cut and meaningful manner which are
operationalized and achieved. The objective
of the research program may be hypothesis
testing type or otherwise. In research program
requiring testing of hypothesis, the hypothesis
tested under the given situations must be
clearly explained.
Results and Discussion
: Statement of the
observations made and findings obtained
upon analysis of the information constitute
the most vital part of the research report. The
presentations of the results and findings gen-
erally have two parts:
nontechnical part
and technical part
. At the initial stage, the
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