Agriculture Reference
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4. It is committed to objective considerations.
5. It is committed to a methodology known to all
concerned for critical scrutiny and possible
6. In most of the cases, it is based on probabilis-
tic approach.
6. Desire to get a research degree
7. Desire to have means of livelihood
Neither the above list is exhaustive, nor the
motives mentioned above operate in isolation;
they may operate individually or in combinations.
These motivations are from individual point of
view. But motivations in research may come as
directives from the government as part of their
policy and may come under certain compelling
situations and so on. Government may ask to
undertake a research program so as to make the
public distribution systemmore effective towards
eradicating hunger, may direct to undertake
research so that the productivity of food grain
production may reach to the target within the
stipulated time period, may ask researchers in
economic policy so that the economic recession
in different parts of the globe may not touch the
economy of a particular country, etc.
Compelling situations like certain natural
disasters in the form of tsunami, Aila, flood,
and tornado, and outbreak of pests and diseases
may lead to a research work towards finding
and understanding causal
Research is “re-search,” meaning a voyage
of discovery. “Re” means again and again,
and “search” means a voyage of knowledge.
Research facilitates original contribution to the
existing stock of knowledge, making for its
advancement for the betterment of this universe.
Research inculcates scientific and inductive
thinking, and it promotes logical habits of think-
ing and organizations. The wider area of research
and its application has laid to define research in
various ways by various authors. By and large,
research can be thought of as a scientific process
by which new facts, ideas, and theories could
be established or proved in any branch of
Research is an art of scientific investigations;
it leads to unearth the so-called hidden things of
this universe. Research leads to enrichment of
knowledge bank. Scientific research is entirely
different from the application of scientific method
towards harnessing of curiosity. Scientific infor-
mation is put forward by a scientific research in
explaining the nature and properties of nature.
relationships and
overcoming approaches.
1.2.2 Objective of Research
The objective of any research is to unearth the
answers to the questions an experimenter/
researcher has in mind. The purpose of any
research is to find out the truth which has so
long remained undiscovered. Any research may
have one or more objectives befitting to the pur-
pose of
1.2.1 Motivations of Research
the study. However,
these can be
categorized into different groups:
1. To gain familiarity of new things or to get
an insight into any phenomenon
2. To picturize or to describe the characteristics
of a particular situation, group, etc.
3. To work out the relative occurrence of some
things and their associated things
4. To taste the hypotheses of relationship among
the associated variables, to study the dynam-
ics of relationships of different associated
variables in this universe
Though inquisitiveness is the prime motivation
for research, there are other motives or possible
motives for carrying out a research project:
1. Joy of creativity
2. Desire to face challenges in solving the
unsolved problems
3. Affinity to harness intellectual
joy while
doing some new work
4. Desire to serve the society
5. Desire to get respect
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