Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Section 6
1.1. Reading self-test
1. At 33ºC and 80 bar carbon dioxide is
a. Liquid
b. Solid
c. Gas
d. Supercritical
2. What is the lowest energy state of carbon?
a. Carbon
b. Methane
c. Coal
d. CO 2
e. Carbonate
3. 1 Mtoe is equivalent to
a. 3.968
10 13 BTU
10 16 J
c. 11.63 billion kW h
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
b. 4.187
4. What is not a proposed wedge?
a. Replace 1,400 large coal-fired plants with gas-fired plants
b. Install CCS at 80 large coal-fired power plants
c. Increase solar power 700-fold to displace coal
d. Cut electricity use in homes, offices and stores by 25%
5. How many people emit less than 1 t CO 2 /year?
a. 1.7 billion
b. 2.7 billion
c. 3.7 billion
d. 4.7 billion
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