Environmental Engineering Reference
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CO 2 dissolved in water gives bicarbonate, which can lose another proton
to give carbonate (CO 3 2- ):
H 2 O HCO 3 -
H +
CO 2 (aq)
HCO 3 -
H + CO 3 2-
2H +
See also bicarbonate.
Carbon Capture and Sequestration/Storage. In Europe, one mainly uses
the term storage.
Chemical looping
The idea of chemical looping is to separate the combustion process into
two separate reactors. Oxygen is taken from the air by the fi rst reactor
and then transported to the other reactor, where combustion takes place
and CO 2 is produced. In this scheme, there is no mixing of N 2 with fl ue
gas, therefore the separation only involves CO 2 and H 2 O.
Clastic sedimentary rocks
Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from eroded fragments of older
rocks. These rock fragments are transported by water or wind, then
deposited (in the process of sedimentation). The grains of these sedi-
ments are subsequently consolidated into a rock (in the process of
lithifi cation).
Collective diffusion coeffi cient
See Maxwell-Stefan diffusion coeffi cient. See also Darken-corrected dif-
fusion coeffi cient.
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