Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Section 8
3.1. Reading self-test
1. Which statement about the amount of carbon is NOT correct?
a. The total amount of carbon in the atmosphere is 720 Gt
b. Most of the carbon is in rocks
c. There is about three times as much carbon in the biosphere
as in the atmosphere
d. The total amount of organic carbon in the ocean is 38,400 Gt
2. Which statement about the diurnal carbon cycle is NOT
a. Because of the diurnal carbon cycle, CO 2 changes with a
daily frequency
b. The diurnal carbon cycle is related to the rotation of the
c. The typical fl uctuation in average CO 2 levels is about 10 ppm
3. Which statement about the Vostok ice cores is NOT correct?
a. The Vostok ice cores are named after the location of the
research center in Antarctica
b. Historical data of the temperature is obtained by measuring
the concentration ratio of 18 O to 16 O
c. The maximum CO 2 concentration observed in these ice
cores is about 10 ppm less than the current levels
d. These ice cores contain 420,000 years of history
4. Which reaction plays the most important role in buffering the
pH of the ocean?
a. CO 2 (aq)
H +
H 2 O
b. CO 2 (g)
CO 2 (aq)
c. HCO 3
H +
CO 3 2
2H +
Ca 2 +
CO 3 2
d. CaCO 3
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