Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
087-635-4503, , ) .
$ Watersedge B&B is a mile south of town, serenely isolated on a forested hillside
and overlooking the estuary. The modern house has four clean, colorful rooms and a
kid-pleasing backyard (Sb-€40-50, Db-€64-70, Tb-€75-80, cash only, Wi-Fi, parking,
tel. 064/664-1707, mobile 087-413-4235, , watersedgeken- , Noreen and Vincent O'Shea). To get here, drive south over Our Lady's
Bridge, bear left, immediately look for the B&B sign, and take the first right onto the road
heading uphill. Go a couple of hundred yards up the paved road, then—at the end of the
to the dead-end. It's worth it.
$ Rockcrest House is secluded down a quiet, leafy lane, with six large rooms and
a fine front-porch view (Sb-€35-50, Db-€60-80, Tb-€90-110, cash only, Wi-Fi; as you
pass the TI heading north out of town, take the first left after crossing the bridge; tel.
064/664-1248, mobile 087-904-3788, , ,
Marian and David O'Dwyer). Ask about their two self-catering cottage rentals.
$ Kenmare Fáilte Hostel (fawl-chuh) maintains 40 budget beds in a well-kept, cent-
bath, D-€44, Db-€52, T-€60, Tb-€69, Q-€76, Qb-€88, closed mid-Oct-April, Shelbourne
Street, tel. 064/664-2333, run by Finnegan's Corner bike rental folks directly across street, , ) .
Sleeping in Luxury on the Ring of Kerry
$$$ Parknasilla Hotel is a 19th-century luxury hotel lost in 500 plush acres of a sub-
tropical park overlooking the wild Atlantic Ocean. The tranquility, combined with old-
fashioned service and Victorian elegance, makes this a good stop for anyone interested
in luxuriating on the Ring of Kerry. Originally an old railroad hotel for Romantic Age
tourists, in recent decades it has been a ritual splurge for Irish families and wedding
groups (Db-€129-159 with breakfast, higher July-Aug, croquet, 19th-century diversions,
park walks, see website for details and complex pricing scheme, tel. 064/667-5600, , ) .
Eating in Kenmare
This friendly little town offers plenty of quality choices. If dining, make a reservation or
get a table early, as many finer places book up later in the evening during the summer.
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