Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Cost and Hours: Free, May-mid-Oct Mon-Sat 10:00-13:00 & 14:15-17:00, closed
mid-Oct-April and Sun year-round, tel. 064/664-2978, mobile 087-234-6998, .
Ancient Stone Circle
Of the 100 stone circles that dot southwest Ireland (Counties Cork and Kerry), this is one
of the biggest and most accessible. More than 3,000 years old, it may have been used both
as a primitive calendar and as a focal point for rituals. The circle has a diameter of 50 feet
and consists of 15 stones ringing a large center boulder (possibly a burial monument). Ex-
perts think this stone circle (like most) functioned as a celestial calendar—it tracked the
position of the setting sun to determine the two solstices (in June and December), which
mark the longest and shortest days of the year.
Cost and Hours: €2, drop coins into honor box in hut by entry when attendant is away,
always open.
Getting There: It's a five-minute walk from the TI. From the city center, face the TI,
turn left, and walk 200 yards down Market Street, passing a row of cute 18th-century
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