Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Cost and Hours: €4.50, buy tickets in courtyard under portico opposite clock tower,
required tours depart hourly, Mon-Sat 10:00-16:45, Sun 12:00-16:45, tel. 01/645-8813, .
▲▲▲ Chester Beatty Library
This priceless, delightfully displayed collection includes rare ancient manuscripts and
beautifully illustrated books from around the world, plus a few odd curios. Start on the
ground floor with the short film about Mr. Beatty (1875-1968), a rich American mining
magnate who traveled widely, collected assiduously, and retired to Ireland. Then head up-
stairs to see the treasures he bequeathed to his adopted country.
Cost and Hours: Free, Mon-Fri 10:00-17:00, Sat 11:00-17:00, Sun 13:00-17:00,
closed Mon Oct-April, coffee shop, tel. 01/407-0750, . You'll find the library
in the gardens of Dublin Castle (follow the signs).
Self-Guided Tour: Start on the second floor.
Sacred Traditions Gallery: This space is dedicated to sacred texts, illuminated
manuscripts, and miniature paintings from around the world. The doors swing open, and
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