Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
This type of tour is made-to-order for Dublin, and buses run so frequently that they
make your sightseeing super-efficient. Stops include the far-flung Guinness Storehouse
and Kilmainham Gaol. Each company's map, free with your ticket, details various dis-
counts that you'll get at Dublin's sights (such as the Guinness Storehouse, Viking Splash
tour, Old Jameson Distillery, Dublin Writers Museum, Dublinia, Christ Church Cathedral,
and others). To take advantage of the discounts, take a bus tour before you do all your
Viking Splash Tours
If you'd like to ride in a WWII amphibious vehicle—driven by a Viking-costumed guide
who's as liable to spout history as he is to growl—this is for you. The tour starts with a
group roar from the Viking within us all. At first, the guide talks as if he were a Viking
(“When wecame here in841...”),butsoonthe patriot emergesashetags Irishhistory onto
the sights you pass. Near the end of the 1.25-hour tour (punctuated by occasional group
roars at passersby), you don a life jacket for a slow spin up and down a boring canal. The
covered boat is breezy—dress appropriately. Kids who expect a Viking splash may feel
like they've been trapped inaclassroom, while historians will enjoy the talk more than the
gimmick (€20, Feb-Nov daily 10:00-17:00, no tours Dec-Jan, departs about hourly from
the north side of St. Stephen's Green opposite Dawson Street, buy ticket from driver, tel.
01/707-6000, ) .
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