Environmental Engineering Reference
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gas. In this case, approach of ions with charges of different signs results from the
action of the field of a given ion on the ion of the opposite sign, and approach of
ions is braked due to gas resistance through ion collisions with gas atoms. As a
result, the mobilities of ions under the action of the field of another ion give the
rate of ion-ion recombination.
Indeed, if each ion has charge
e and the distance between ions is R ,theelectric
field of each ion at the location of another ion is E
e / R 2 ,andthisfieldcauses
ion approach, which is determined by the drift velocity:
eE ( K C C
K )
E ( K C C
K )
R 2
This is valid for a dense gas if the criterion R
holds true, and
is the mean
free path of ions in a gas.
To determine the decay rate for positive ions due to recombination, imagine a
sphere of radius R around the positive ion, and compute the number of negative
ions entering this sphere per unit time. This is given by the product of the surface
area of the sphere, 4
R 2 ,andthenegativeionflux, j
N e ( K C C
K )/ R 2 .Fromthiswehavethebalanceequationforthenumberdensityofpositive
ions is
N w
dN C
dt D
N C N 4
e ( K C C
K ).
Comparing this with the definition of the recombination coefficient, we derive for
this coefficient the Langevin formula [105]:
α D
e ( K C C
K ) .
This formula holds true for a dense gas, and we now combine all the limiting cases
for recombination of positive and negative ions. Below we summarize various cases
of recombination of positive and negative ions in a gas.
Figure 4.21 gives the dependence of the recombination coefficient for positive
and negative ions in a gas on the number density N of gas atoms, and we divide
the range of the atom number density into three groups. At low number densi-
ties recombination of positive and negative ions in a gas has the pairwise charac-
ter (2.98), and in accordance with (2.100) the value of the pairwise recombination
coefficient in this range of densities is
2 / m e μ
T 1/2 ,since R 0
a 0 .Here
m e is the electron mass,
is the reduced mass of the ions, T is the gas (ion) tem-
perature, and a 0
2 /( m e e 2 ) is the Bohr radius. The three body process of ion-
ion recombination (2.90) corresponds to region 2, and the recombination coeffi-
cient for positive and negative ions in a gas is determined on the basis of (2.91),
( Ne 6 / T 3 )(
e 2 /
) 1/2 ,where
is the polarizability of the gas atom, N is the
number density of gas atoms, and
is the reduced mass of the ion and atom. From
this one can estimate the boundary number density N 1 of atoms for transition from
region 1 to region 2 in Figure 4.21:
a 0 T
e 2 5/2
N 1
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