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room temperature. At higher gas temperatures or electric field strengths protons
may be present in hydrogen along with H 3 [69], whereas at low temperatures
ions with an odd number of nuclei, that is, H 5 and H 7 ,maybepresent.Fig-
ure 4.17 shows the equilibrium constants for the processes H 3 C
H 5 ,
H 2
D 3 C
D 7 obtained on the basis
of experiments [74-76]. In particular, from [76] it follows that under conditions of
thermodynamic equilibrium at a pressure of 1 Torr the number densities of H 3
and H 5 ions in hydrogen are equal at a temperature of 240 K, for D 3 and D 5
ions in deuterium the temperature at which the number densities of these ions are
equal is 236 K, for H 5 and H 7 ions in hydrogen this temperature is 115 K, and for
D 5 and D 7 ions in deuterium the temperature is 104 K. At a pressure of 10 Torr
the temperatures are 287, 279, 136, and 122 K, respectively.
Establishment of thermodynamic equilibrium between ions of different types re-
sults from conversion of simple ions into complex ones in three body collisions. In
particular, Figure 4.18 shows the rate constants for the three body process for for-
mation of H 5 from H 3 according to experiments [77-79]. As is seen, the rate con-
stant increases dramatically with decreasing temperature, and at room temperature
it is according to [77] 4.5
D 5 ,H 5 C
H 7 ,andD 5 C
D 2
H 2
D 2
10 31 cm 6 /s for formation of H 5
10 31 cm 6 /s
for formation of D 5 . One can see that in spite of the possibility of formation of var-
ious types of ions, a restricted number of ion types exists under certain conditions.
Processes of dissociative recombination of electrons and molecular ions may
be of importance for the existence of ions of a certain type in real ionized gas-
es. In the hydrogen case, the recombination coefficient of electrons and H 3
and 6.5
10 7 cm 3 /s at room temperature [80], and for H 5
is 2.3
ions at 205 K the recom-
10 6 cm 3 /s [80]. The recombination coefficient mea-
sured for H 3 and D 3 ions in the temperature range 95-300 K is independent of
the temperature [81], whereas beam measurements give a remarkable dependence
of the cross section
bination coefficient is 3.6
rec of dissociative recombination on the electron energy
1.3, for H 3 and D 3 ions in the energy range
0.01-1 eV [82]. It is quite possible that the different temperature and energy depen-
which is
ε n ,with n
Figure 4.17 The equilibrium constants for processes H 3
C H 2 $ H 5
(H3,5), D 3
C D 2 $ D 5
(D3,5), H 5
C H 2 $ H 7
(H5,7), and D 5
C D 2 $ D 7
(D5,7) [76].
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