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Then (4.10) leads to the following relationship between pressure and temperature
NT .
Equation (4.12) is the equation of state for an ideal gas.
The Navier-Stokes Equation
Note that above in deriving the generalized Euler equation (4.6) for a one-compo-
nent system we ignored collisions between atoms, and collisions between atoms
or molecules of different components are taken into account in (4.7)-(4.9) through
typical times
qs . We now include collisions between atoms in the balance equation
for the average atom momentum for a one-component system. Such collisions lead
to the frictional force between neighboring gas layers which are moving with dif-
ferent velocities. This effect is expressed through the gas viscosity coefficient
which is taken into account as arising from the above-mentioned frictional force.
According to the definition of the viscosity coefficient
, if a gas (or liquid) is mov-
ing along the x -axis and varies in the z direction, the frictional force f per unit area
is given by
D η @
w x
where w x is the average gas velocity.
We include the gas viscosity in the expression for the pressure tensor, which
takes the form
P 0 α ,
where the latter term accounts for the gas viscosity. On the basis of the viscosity
definition and transferring to an arbitrary frame of reference, one can represent
the pressure tensor P 0 α
P α D
δ α C
, which is symmetric, in the form
w α
x C @
δ α @
w α
P 0 α D η
x α C
The factor a may be found as follows. The forces of viscous friction in a gas occur
because neighboring gas layers move with different velocities. If a gas could be
decelerated as a whole, this friction mechanism would have no effect and the force
due to the gas viscosity would vanish. Hence, the trace of the pressure tensor is
zero. This yields a
2/3, and the viscosity term in the pressure tensor can be
w α
x C @
3 δ α @
w α
P 0 α D η
x α
With the viscosity part of the pressure tensor taken into account, (4.4) takes the
form of the Navier-Stokes equation [6-10]:
@ w
C ν Δ w C 3 r w C m ,
( w r ) w D r
t C
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