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Figure 2.7 Sub-steps within a displacement of
myosin-V [35]. (a) One-headed myosin-V with
short (2IQ) neck. (b) One-headed myosin-V with
long (6IQ) neck. (c) two-headed myosin-V with
long (6IQ) necks. (d) The Hopping model for
myosin-V stepping. The rear head searches for
the actin target in the forward direction by a
hopping movement on the actin subunits
according to a potential slope along the actin
helix. Black closed circle¼ATP or ADP-Pi.
19 nm
indicates displacements by neck bending and its
diffusion, and the dark gray band of
Force. The light gray band of
17 nm
indicates directional steps on actin monomers
according to the potential slope along the actin
36-nm step was observed. Such intermediate steps have been previously observed
using optical trapping nanometry at high loads [32] or in the presence of 2,3-
butanedione monoxime [36]. In this experiment, the intermediate step was clearly
observed even at low loads. It is likely that the intermediate step was also slowed by
attaching the two-headed myosin-V to a large scanning probe. Figure 2.7c shows the
rising phases of the intermediate steps on an expanded time scale. The sub-steps of
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