Chemistry Reference
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Figure 2.4 Observation and manipulation of a
single myosin motor [17]. (a) Schematic drawing
of the experimental apparatus. The system was
built on an inverted microscope. A ZnO whisker
crystal of length 5
longitudinal axis of the actin filament and the
displacements due to actin
myosin interaction
along the actin long axis were determined by
measuring the bending of the needle with
nanometer accuracy. Insert panel, fluorescence
images of single myosin heads labeled with Cy3
on a glass surface. A myosin head captured by a
probe is marked by an arrow. (b) Time courses of
fluorescence intensities of myosin heads
captured by a probe.
10mm with a radius of
curvature at the tip of
15 nm, was attached to
the tip of a very fine glass microneedle, 100mm
long and 0.3
m in diameter. A myosin head was
attached at its tail end to the tip of a ZnOwhisker.
The glass needle was set perpendicular to the
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