Chemistry Reference
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Figure 2.3 Simultaneous observation of individual ATP hydrolysis
and mechanical events by single myosin molecules. (a) A
schematic drawing of the experimental setup [15]. (b) Time traces
of displacements (upper trace) and changes in the fluorescence
intensity from Cy3 - nucleotides (ATP or ADP) bound to myosin
(lower trace).
problem, we developed a more direct method to capture a single myosin molecule
andmeasure its displacements by using a scanning probe. The series stiffness during
acto - S1 interaction signi cantly increased to
1 pN/nm, compared to that obtained
with optical trapping experiments (0.05 - 0.2 pN/nm). The resulting thermal uctua-
tions of the probe, namely the noise of the measurements, were reduced from
4 - 9nm rms to
2nm rms . This improvement was critical to the resolution of the
process generating the
10 - 20-nm displacements. Furthermore, a myosin head
rigidly attached to a relatively large scanning probe could steadily interact with actin
without diffusing away from the actin filament, as it does in muscle to slow its
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