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dynamic PID controller, microtubules were destroyed. Similar results were seen
with actin and myosin. With the dynamic PID control, actin filaments gliding on a
mica surface densely coated with myosin V were captured on video
(Figure 12.4d) [4, 12], whereas a low myosin V density resulted in minimal
observation of the gliding movement.
With an improved dynamic PID controller together with a newly-developed
optical de ection sensor with low noise, the set point could be set at
0.9 and
thus actin
filaments gliding on a surface sparsely coated with myosin V were
successfully imaged [4, 12]. By chance, a short actin
filament entered the observed
region. Its entire length was within the region allowing all myosin V molecules
interacting with this filament to be identi ed. The interacting myosin V heads were
oriented in one direction, similar to the well-known arrow-head structure in
muscles. From this oriented structure, the polarity of the actin filament was
identi ed. The filament moved towards the minus (pointed) end, which was the
natural direction (Figure 12.5). However, conformational changes in the interacting
myosin V heads were not evident during the unidirectional movement of the
Recently, a prototype high-speed AFM, an improved version of our
design [2, 3], has become commercially available (Nano Live Vision
by Olympus and distributed by RIBM). Its users recently
filmed the ATP-
Figure 12.5 Three-dimensional images of actin filament sliding
movement captured by high-speed AFM. The number on each
image indicates the frame number. Scale bar 30 nm, imaging rate,
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