Information Technology Reference
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Chapter 14
Spatial Sound for Computer
Games and Virtual Reality
David Murphy
University College Cork, Ireland
Flaithrí Neff
Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland
In this chapter, we discuss spatial sound within the context of Virtual Reality and other synthetic environ-
ments such as computer games. We review current audio technologies, sound constraints within immersive
multi-modal spaces, and future trends. The review process takes into consideration the wide-varying
levels of audio sophistication in the gaming and VR industries, ranging from standard stereo output to
Head Related Transfer Function implementation. The level of sophistication is determined mostly by
hardware/system constraints (such as mobile devices or network limitations), however audio practitio-
ners are developing novel and diverse methods to overcome many of these challenges. No matter what
approach is employed, the primary objectives are very similar—the enhancement of the virtual scene
and the enrichment of the user experience. We discuss how successful various audio technologies are
in achieving these objectives, how they fall short, and how they are aligned to overcome these shortfalls
in future implementations.
artificial and simulated domains. Linear sound-
scape composition, especially within computer
games, has been facilitated with advancements
in computer hardware and storage capacities. The
sonic contribution of linear music to the virtual
scene is extremely important, especially during
gameplay, as it adds atmosphere, drama, emo-
tion, and sometimes fantasy to the overall scene.
However, interactive sounds and environmental
acoustics are also important in enhancing the user-
In the past, sound has often been a secondary
consideration in visually intensive environ-
ments, such as Virtual Reality (VR) systems and
computer games. However, hearing and several
other perceptual modalities are now considered
equally relevant to the user-experience within
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