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(IUSS Working Group WRB 2006 ) and soil order in the Canadian System of Soil
Classifi cation (Soil Classifi cation Working Group 1998 ). The term is consistent
with the use of terms such as “cryoturbation” (soil movements due to frost action),
“cryosphere” (that portion of the Earth where ice and snow occurs), “cryostruc-
tures” (structures present in frozen materials), etc. When permafrost-affected soils
were being incorporated into Soil Taxonomy , the term “Gelisol” was used in order
to construct pronounceable soil taxonomic names. The tradition in ST was to build
these names from the fi rst vowel and the consonant that followed. This was not pos-
sible with the term “cryosol” but “el” could be used to construct soil taxonomic
categories. This term is consistent with the use of terms such as “gelifl uction” (soil
creep associated with permafrost) and “gelic materials” (soil materials infl uenced
by cryogenic processes).
Finally, there has been a proliferation of journals specializing in cryopedology
and related studies, including Arctic Journal (began in 1948), Arctic, Antarctic and
Alpine Research (1969), Antarctic Science (1989), Cold Regions Research and
Technology (1979), Permafrost and Periglacial Processes (1990), Polar Biology
(1982), Polar Record (1931), and Polar Science (2007), as well as the mainline soils
Bockheim JG (1982) Properties of a chronosequence of ultraxerous soils in the Trans-Antarctic
Mountains. Geoderma 28:239-255
Bockheim JG (ed) (2014) Soils of Antarctica, World soils topic series. Springer, New York
Bryan K (1946) Cryopedology: the study of frozen ground and intensive frost action, with sugges-
tions on nomenclature. Am J Sci 244:622-642
Cailleux A, Taylor G (1954) Cryopedology: the study of frozen soils. Hermann, Paris
Campbell IB, Claridge GGC (1987) Antarctica: soils, weathering and environment. Elsevier,
New York
Dokuchaev, VV 1883 The Russian Chernozem Report to the Free Economic Society (in Russian).
Imperial Univ. of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
Goryachkin SV, Karavaeva NA, Makeev OV (2004) The history of research of Eurasian cryosols.
In: Kimble JM (ed) Cryosols: permafrost-affected soils. Springer, New York, pp 17-28
Guilcher A (1949) Le developpement de la cryopédologie. Annales de Géographie 58:336-338
IUSS Working Group WRB (2006) World reference base for soil resources 2006. World soil
resources reports no. 103. FAO, Rome
Jensen HI (1916) Report on Antarctic soils. Reports on science investigation on British Antarctic
expedition 1907-1909 Part IV. Geology 2:89-92
Kimble JM (ed) (2004) Cryosols: permafrost-affected soils. Springer, Berlin
Makeev OV (1999) Soil, permafrost, and cryopedology. Eurasian Soil Sci 32:854-863
Nikiforoff CC (1928) The perpetually frozen subsoil of Siberia. Soil Sci 26:61-81
Rieger S (1983) The genesis and classifi cation of cold soils. Academic, New York
Soil Classifi cation Working Group (1998) The Canadian system of soil classifi cation, 3rd edn,
Research Branch, Agricultural & Agri-Food Canada. NRC Research Press, Ottawa
Soil Survey Staff (1975) Soil taxonomy: a basic system of soil classifi cation for making and inter-
preting soil surveys, Agricultural handbook no. 436. USDA Soil Conservation Service,
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Offi ce, Washington, DC
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