Geoscience Reference
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The total area of alpine permafrost may be 3.6 million km 2 but there are only 2.3
million km 2 of alpine cryosols. A mean annual air temperature of −5 or −6 °C may
be necessary for the active layer to be within 1-2 m of the ground surface in alpine
regions. Many alpine plants are circumpolar, meaning that they occur throughout
the Arctic and mountains at lower latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. The prop-
erties of alpine cryosols are highly variable, much like Arctic and Antarctic cryo-
sols. The dominant soil-forming process in alpine cryosols is cryoturbation; other
processes of importance include andisolization, melanization (humifi cation), cam-
bisolization, podzolization, paludization, and gleization. Alpine cryosols occur pri-
marily in the mountains of Arctic regions, but they also occur at high elevations in
the mountains of central Asia. Alpine cryosols are comparable to Arctic cryosols,
except that they contain considerably less organic C.
Arnalds O (2008) Soils of Iceland. Jökull 58:409-421
Baumann F, He J-S, Schmidt K, Kühn P, Scholten T (2009) Pedogenesis, permafrost, and soil
moisture as controlling factors for soil nitrogen and carbon contents across the Tibetan Plateau.
Glob Chang Biol 15:3001-3017
Bäumler R, Zech W (1994) Soils of the high mountain region of eastern Nepal: classifi cation,
distribution and soil forming processes. Catena 22:85-103
Billings WD, Mark AF (1961) Interactions between alpine tundra vegetation and patterned ground
in the mountains of southern New Zealand. Ecology 42(1):18-31
Birkeland PW (1984) Holocene soil chronofunctions, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Geoderma
Bliss LC (1979) Vascular plant vegetation of the Southern Circumpolar Region in relation to
Antarctic, alpine and arctic vegetation. Can J Bot 57:2167-2178
Bockheim JG, Gennadiyev AN (2000) The role of soil-forming processes in the defi nition of taxa
in soil taxonomy and the world reference base. Geoderma 95:53-72
Bockheim JG, Koerner D (1997) Pedogenesis in alpine ecosystems of the eastern Uinta Mountains,
Utah. Arctic Alp Res 29:164-172
Bockheim JG, Munroe JS (2014) Organic carbon pools and genesis of alpine soils with perma-
frost: a review. Arctic Antarct Alp Res 46 (in press)
Bockheim JG, Walker DA, Everett LR (1998) Soil carbon distribution in nonacidic and acidic
tundra of arctic Alaska. In: Lal R, Kimble JM, Follett RF, Stewart BA (eds) Soil processes and
the carbon cycle. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp 143-155
Bonnaventure PP, Lewkowicz AG (2013) Mountain permafrost probability mapping using the BTS
method in two climatically dissimilar locations, northwest Canada. Can J Earth Sci
Burns SF (1990) Alpine Spodosols: Cryaquods, Cryohumods, Cryorthods, and Placaquods above
treeline. In: Kimble JM, Yeck RD (eds) Proceedings of the fi fth International Correlation
Meeting (ISCOM): characterization, classifi cation, and utilization of Spodosols. USDA Soil
Conservation Service, Lincoln, pp 46-62
Chevychelov AP, Volotovskii KA (2001) Soils of alpine and subalpine vertical zones of the
Tokinskii Stanovik Ridge. Eurasian Soil Sci 34:704-709
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