Travel Reference
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lam wong traditional dance
Lane Xang ancient Lao kingdom
Lao Loum lowland Lao, mostly ethnic Lao
Lao Soum highland Lao; hill tribes
Lao Theung speakers of Mon-Khmer languages who live at higher altitudes than the Lao Loum
lào hái rice wine sipped from straws out of a large stoneware jar
lào-láo strong alcoholic drink made from sticky rice
larp minced meat dish
lintel horizontal beam or stone over a door or window
LNTA Lao National Tourism Administration
lustral water holy water used to bathe a Buddha image
makara mythical water monster
maw thiam spirit medium
Mien a highland ethnic group
muan fun, enjoyable
muang (or meuang) city or town
mudra hand and arm positions depicted in Buddhist and Hindu imagery
mukhalinga phallic-shaped stone symbolic of Shiva with an image of the god's face carved into it
naga benevolent mythical water serpent (pronounced “nak” in Lao)
nam river
nam phu (or nam phou) fountain
NBCA National Biodiversity Conservation Area
ngeuak malevolent mythical water serpent
NTAL National Tourism Authority of Laos
NVA North Vietnamese Army
pa dàek fermented fish paste, used as seasoning
pa kha Irrawaddy dolphin
pa pao blowfish with a vicious bite found in southern Laos
pak mouth of a river
Pathet Lao communist guerrilla movement which gained control of Laos in 1975
Patouxai monument in Vientiane
Pha Bang a Buddha image belived by many to be the talismanic protector of the Lao nation
Pha In Hindu god Indra
Pha Lak Pha Lam Lao version of the Ramayana
Pha Phut the Buddha
Pha Phutthahup Buddha image
phi spirit or ghost
phu (or phou) hill or mountain
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