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Fig. 5 Description of an alternative MosTIC procedure. (A) Overview of the procedure. In this strategy, the Mos transposase
is under the control of a constitutive germ line promoter and MosTIC-engineered alleles can be screened directly in the F1
progeny of injected animals. (B) MosTIC efficiency using this strategy. The number of recovered MosTIC-engineered alleles is
given compared to the number of successfully injected animals. (See color plate.)
F. An Alternative Protocol for MosTIC-Engineered KO/del Alleles Selection
An alternative MosTIC protocol called MosDEL (which stands for Mos1-
mediated deletion) was recently developed by the group of E. Jorgensen
(University of Utah) to engineer and select KO/del alleles (Frokjaer-Jensen et al.,
2010) . In the MosDEL protocol, a C. briggsae unc-119(+) fragment, which can
rescue the mutant phenotype of unc-119(ed3) mutants, is inserted at the place of the
deleted region. First, the unc-119(ed3) allele is crossed into a strain containing a
Mos1 insertion in the region to delete. Second, the repair template is injected in that
strain together with a vector containing the Mos transposase under the control of the
constitutive germ line promoter Pglh-2 and 3 plasmids expressing mCherry in
different tissues to mark extrachromosomal arrays. After two to three generations
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