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allows lineages to be generated in a straightforward manner through most of embryo-
genesis. The image degradation in deeper DIC focal planes limits complete linea-
ging of single embryos from DIC. Although computer image analysis can identify
nuclei in DIC images ( Hamahashi et al., 2005 ) the low contrast of DIC images makes
this computationally challenging.
2. Semiautomated Lineage Analysis
With the advent of histone-GFP reporters marking all embryonic nuclei
( Ooi et al., 2006 ), imaging and lineage analysis of embryo development could
now be studied using the laser confocal microscope. The high fluorescence contrast
of nuclear-localized GFP allows identification of nuclei by computer image seg-
mentation in a more reliable fashion than from DIC data. Although photobleaching
and phototoxicity limit the image quality, it is possible to image histone-GFP
throughout embryonic development. The histone-GFP itself is presumably synthe-
sized anew during each cell cycle, partly compensating for photobleaching effects.
The Waterston lab implemented the first histone::GFP imaging platform for follow-
ing embryo development through gastrulation and morphogenesis ( Murray et al.,
2006 ). To track moving and dividing nuclei the Starrynite software was developed
( Bao et al., 2006 ). Additional visualization software allows curation of the tracking
data and extraction of lineage information ( Boyle et al., 2006 ).
The accuracy of the original Starrynite software declined in embryos with
> 350 nuclei. To allow nuclear tracking in later embryos several approaches are
being tested. One approach is to optimize the segmentation algorithm for
images of optically sectioned nuclei ( Santella et al., 2010 ). Another approach,
currently implemented in our laboratory (see below), is to curate nuclear iden-
tification at each time point, such that the automated tracking at the next time
point t+1 starts with corrected information. A second modification to the search
algorithm is to constrain the search for a particular nucleus (or its daughters) at
t+1 only in the local neighborhood of its previous position at t. Rather than
performing de novo segmentation, in this approach the maximum amount of
information available at
is used for performing the segmentation and tracking
t+1 ( Table III ).
3. Extent of Variation in the Wild-Type Lineage
The ability to completely track all nuclei in individual embryos has prompted
further examination of the degree of variability in wild-type development.
Automated lineage tracing has confirmed the high degree of invariance in the
assignment of cell fates, with the known exceptions of the midline cell pairs men-
tioned above. Some cell-division axes in the C lineage display variability. Cell
division times can vary by a factor of 10% between embryos ( Sulston et al.,
1983 ), but within individual embryos the relative timing of cell divisions is highly
consistent. The high degree of correlation of cell cycles within an individual embryo
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