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ers and keeps subirdia diverse. Placing nest boxes in our yards where snags
are much less common extends this support from the forest to a great diversity
of native and nonnative adapters and exploiters of subirdia. One of the inti-
mate connections between humans and the suburban web of life is also re-
vealed. We, like woodpeckers, can be facilitators of diversity.
Considering ourselves as facilitators, not simply destroyers, of biological
diversity shines a new light on our place in the web of life. Some of our actions
enable other species to thrive where they would otherwise be rare. It is this
role that supports the diversity I often encounter around people's homes, and
allows it to grow. When our facilitative relationship with nature also benei ts
us, then it may l ourish and be sustained. Those of us who retain dead trees or
place nest boxes in our yards enjoy the wonder of watching woodpeckers lis-
ten and dig for termites; we are serenaded by wrens; and we benei t from the
appetites of swallow, chickadee, bluebird, and l ycatcher broods that are sated
on insects, including pesky mosquitoes. Providing food and water for birds
(see Chapter 5) is another facilitative link between people and birds that en-
hances diversity. Through facilitation, we become part of a natural mutualism
benei ting other species that return the favor.
I take comfort in discovering ecological relationships that are mutual. What's
not to like when everyone wins? However, like most i eld biologists I also love
a good chase, a tough i ght, and a front row seat to a killing.
An unusually bright December afternoon brought a small l ock of pine siskins
to my bird feeder. With my wife and daughter, we took a moment to enjoy their
subtle yellow color and their aggressive posturing as they pushed each other aside
for sunl ower seeds. From a sudden gray and brown streak materialized a sharp-
shinned hawk that also had been watching the feeder. Instantly, the hawk snared
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