Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Earth at night (1994-1995 composite image, provided by Christopher Elvidge)
also a huge expanse of wilderness that allowed me to dream. As we passed
over Yellowstone Lake, I forgot about people and wondered what the wolves
were doing. I took comfort in knowing that below me many of the animals that
avoid subdivisions and farms have some space.
My l ight from Kansas City to Seattle rel ected national and global trends.
Throughout western Europe, eastern North America, and much of Asia our
cities and suburbs dominate the land, literally lighting the night sky. But
worldwide, less than 1 percent of Earth's soil surface is covered by urban de-
velopment. In the United States this statistic is a bit higher—3 percent to
4 percent of the nation is a city, town, or village. The reach of cities is much
greater. In 2010, one-quarter of the conterminous United States was desig-
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