Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Peregrine falcon
common species of subirdia. Redundancy is important, especially in human-
dominated environments where unpredictable changes and accidents can
quickly put even our most abundant species at risk. Though imperiled spe-
cies were rare in Seattle's business districts, some local specialties such as the
dainty American kestrel and grassland specialists such as the western mead-
owlark and savannah sparrow were found here and not in the more diverse
residential areas of the region. The ability of business sites to provide for
open-country specialists is not unique to Seattle.
Half a world away, Dr. Robbert Snep is talking to Dutch business leaders
about his bird, butterl y, and amphibian research on their lands. Snep is con-
vinced that conserving biodiversity on business sites is good business. The
greenery that provides habitat for animals also allows workers places to relax,
recharge, and refocus on the job. Keeping business parks aesthetically appeal-
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