Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
4.2 Sub-system Specific Parameters Under Optimal
Conditions Conus
Ethanol production and consumption
12 gal/day
1 gal/h
Syngas production and consumption
65 m 3 /h
65 m 3 /h
Pellet production and consumption
60 lbs/h
60 lbs/h
Power efficiency
Total power generated
54 kW
Parasitic power demand
14 kW
Total waste remediated per day
1,752 lbs
1,440 lbs
312 lbs
Diesel fuel consumption per day
average 24 gal
Diesel fuel saved per day
average 86 gal
Although the TGER did not perform to its full potential during the 90 day assess-
ment and validation, it did demonstrate its ability to convert waste to energy and
reduce diesel fuel consumption in a harsh operating environment. Below is the
system level parameters recorded during live testing in Iraq. Due to equipment
problems, the TGER was not able to demonstrate its ethanol production capabilities
and provide enough data to statistically evaluate the bioreactor performance. The
harsher conditions in Iraq also required more maintenance time for the pelletizer,
thus reducing their pellet production capabilities. These issues and others con-
tributed to the reduced fuel efficiency of the TGER while in operation in Iraq.
Ethanol production and consumption
Insufficient data
Insufficient data
Syngas production and consumption
65 Nm 3 /h
65 Nm 3 /h
Pellet production and consumption
54 lbs/h
60 lbs/h
Power efficiency
Total power generated
54 kW
Parasitic power demand
14 kW
Diesel fuel consumption per day
average 48 gal
Diesel fuel saved per day
average 62.4 gal
Below are specific data taken from various days when the TGER was operating
at its best in Iraq. Figure 9 illustrates the ability of the TGER to conserve diesel
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