Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Copyright by SAP AG
Moving Around in a SAP System
Transaction codes and menu paths are two primary ways to navigate the SAP system. Trans-
action codes are alphanumeric codes that are assigned to the program. Execute transaction
codes by entering them in the command field of the SAPGUI. The other way to navigate the
system is through the menu paths. Transaction codes are quicker and more useful to quickly
jump from one task to another. Most experienced SAP Basis administrators use transaction
codes as a primary way to navigate the SAP system. Throughout the course of this topic
transaction codes will be used for explaining various SAP Basis tasks. SAP table TSTC lists
all the transaction codes of a SAP system. The SAP ERP6 system has about 105,000 trans-
action codes. Don't panic! You will need only a handful of SAP transactions to perform im-
portant SAP Basis administration tasks!
Shut Down the SAP System
To shut down the SAP system, log on to UNIX as the SAP administrative user
(<SAPSID>adm). Enter this command from <SAPSID>adm home directory with the fol-
lowing options:
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