Database Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Please note that trace file size is governed by the system parameter rstr/
max_filesize_MB. The default size for an ECC (ERP Central Component) system is
16MB. During a trace, a lot of data is written; therefore, a long-running trace might
overwrite older trace data.
4. Next, click the display trace. This displays the trace list, which will provide the SQL
trace output for detailed analysis.
Analyzing the Trace File
Once the trace list is generated, the next step is to look for SQL statements that are taking
significantly longer to execute. The following illustration shows the results of the SQL trace
for further analysis.
• From the Trace List screen you could look into the SQL statements that are taking a
long time to execute by noting the times in the first column. The unit of time is micro-
seconds; thus, 1,000,000 microseconds is equal to 1 second. Usually, long SQL exe-
cution times (values greater than 100,000 microseconds) are marked in red, which
provides us with our initial suspect list.
• The second column gives the name of the accessed database object.
• The third column gives the name of the database operation.
• The fourth column gives you the number of fetched records.
• The fifth column gives you the return code from Oracle Database.
• The sixth and final column gives you the SQL statement.
• Clicking the Explain button on the top of the trace list for a SQL row with reopened or
open database operations will display a detailed plan.
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