Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Causes of Climate Change
Scientists in the world have reached an overwhelming consensus that
climate change is real and caused primarily by human activity. Greenhouses
gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH 4 ), and nitrous oxide
(N 2 O) trap heat in the atmosphere and regulate our climate. Greenhouse
gases act like a blanket. The thicker the blanket, the warmer our planet
becomes. At the same time, the earth's oceans are also absorbing some of
this extra carbon dioxide, making them more acidic and less hospitable for
sea life. The increase in global temperature is signifi cantly altering our
planet's climate, resulting in more extreme and unpredictable weather.
For instance, heat waves are becoming more frequent and many places are
experiencing record droughts followed by intense rainfalls.
Burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, to generate
energy has the greatest impact on the atmosphere than any other single
human activity. Globally, power generation is responsible for about 23
billion tons of CO 2 emissions per year - in excess of 700 tons every sec-
ond. Coal is especially damaging to our atmosphere, releasing 70 % more
carbon dioxide than natural gas for every unit of energy produced.
Forests help protect the planet by absorbing massive amounts of CO 2 ,
the most abundant type of pollution that causes climate change.
Unfortunately, forests are currently being destroyed or damaged at an
alarming rate. Logging and clearing land for agriculture or livestock
release huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other harmful greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere. It also diminishes those regions' ability to
absorb carbon pollution.
Greenhouse gases ￿ Carbon dioxide ￿ Methane ￿ Burning of fossil fuels
￿ Deforestation
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