Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
￿ Adopting region-specifi c silvicultural and farm-
ing practices to optimize food production, car-
bon sequestration, and biodiversity conservation
￿ Refi ning package of practices for crop-fi sh
farming using locally available resources and
resource-effi cient practices that reduce input
requirements supported by appropriate policy
instrument to reduce investments and cost
input in terms of feed, manpower, and
￿ Developing and strengthening low tunnel/
polyhouse farming under controlled condition
to sustain livelihood from small landholdings
food system level, technological and infrastruc-
tural research along with interventions required
to enhance the adaptive capacity for ensuring
food security in the wake of climate change must
be investigated.
Research and Development
Minimizing information asymmetry through
focused attention on developing ICT-based
systems and methodologies for quick and
timely dissemination of information to rural
and remote end users
Access to Information Technologies and Practices
￿ Forging public-private partnership to develop
technology-based solutions for providing
farmers with information on price discovery,
commodity arrivals, mandi prices, etc.
￿ Partnering with civil society organizations for
large-scale deployment of technology for
communicating climate change risks to bring
about behavioral changes for adopting good
agricultural practices
Key Issues
￿ Minimizing information asymmetry through
ICT-based systems
￿ Public-private partnership to develop
technology-based solution for providing farm-
ers with information on price discovery, com-
modity arrivals, mandi prices, etc.
￿ Building an ICT-enabled knowledge manage-
ment network
￿ To create, manage, and develop national
resource portal
Effective communication approaches are criti-
cal to help farmers adapt to climate change as
weather becomes more erratic and less predict-
able. Fresh strategies for management of infor-
mation may be required to sustain production
levels. This dimension is crosscutting in nature,
having implications at all levels in the agricul-
tural production system as well as for all the
other key dimensions. At the crop level, the focus
needs to be on upscaling the efforts to link the
public and private partners with the research
institutions so that the laboratory results can get
commercialized quickly. At the level of the farm,
focus needs to be on enhancing awareness of
farmers as well as the developmental agencies
with the latest scientifi c research, market infor-
mation, and policy initiatives so that they are
empowered to take informed decisions for maxi-
mizing farm productivity. At a larger scale, at the
Preparation of crop-/commodity-specifi c
advisories for different soil and climatic char-
acteristics for the use of farmers to adopt spe-
cifi c packages suitable to weather conditions
Credit Support
Key Issues
￿ Developing new forms of credit assessment
and risk management systems
￿ Promoting micro-fi nance
￿ Developing mechanisms to enhance the fl ow
of credit to critical infrastructure
￿ Upscaling the Kisan Credit Card Scheme
￿ Designing customized credit policies and pro-
grams to mitigate risks
Free, untied, and timely credit support to
farmers is essential for sustaining farm produc-
tivity, especially when it comes to small and
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