Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
institutions. However, compared to micro-fi nance,
micro-insurance innovations and availability are
limited. There is a need to develop sustainable
insurance system, while the rural poor are to be
educated about availing such opportunities.
or off-farm activities, mitigating risks by
providing additional support to agricultural
income under conditions of climatic and non-
climatic stresses, supporting farm-based invest-
ments for better productivity, and through income
generated by alternate livelihood options. The
strategies under this dimension would aim to pro-
mote diversifi cation of agriculture into other
high-value crops and horticulture; research,
development, and extension of crop-livestock
farming systems; and increasing focus and develop-
ment of approaches like sericulture, agro-forestry,
crop-fi sh farming, etc.
12.9.2 Interventions Research and Development
￿ Developing various models for risk assess-
ment to assess the magnitude of risk exposure
and availability of supportive infrastructure
including resources in case of climate
variability and extreme events
￿ Developing innovative and new generation
agricultural insurance products, such as
weather index-based insurance, livestock
insurance, etc.
￿ Developing strategies to deal with emerging
risks due to climate change such as high inten-
sity rain, heat waves, depletion of groundwa-
ter, water contamination, etc.
￿ Designing user-friendly decision support sys-
tems to help assessing risks and develop
region-specifi c contingency plans
Interventions Research and Development
￿ Development of high productive horticultural
crops, namely, fruits, vegetables, aromatic and
medicinal plants, and spices and plantation
crops (e.g., coconut, areca nut, cashew, cocoa,
￿ Conducting research on risks to specifi c liveli-
hoods for understanding the changing nature
of risk due to climatic and non-climatic stresses
(e.g., changes in climatic variables, trade pat-
terns, market prices, etc., can guide farmers
regarding investments in specifi c crops)
￿ Development of decision support system for
integrating market information to improve
production and trade of horticultural/dairying/
fi sheries products
￿ Extending research on resource-conserving
technologies (RCT) in the domain of crop pro-
duction and livestock management Technologies and Practices
￿ Assessing availability of appropriate technol-
ogies and their backstopping support system
that has long-term effect on reduction of risk
￿ Use of crop-weather forecast models to aid
fi eld-based planning and operational activities
by both farmers and governing bodies
Livelihood Diversifi cation Technologies and Practices
￿ Penetration of technologies such as micro-
propagation; integrated nutrient, water, and
pest management; organic farming; and
immunodiagnostic techniques for detection of
diseases and to improve the productivity of
horticultural crops
￿ Strengthening technologies and practices that
assist in food processing such as value addi-
tion and cold storage for horticulture/dairying/
fi sheries products
Key Issues
from off-farm activities
￿ Crop diversifi cation
￿ Crop-livestock-fi sheries farming system
Livelihood diversifi cation plays a major role
in providing options of supplementing income
from core agricultural activities through on-farm
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