Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
12.1.8 Conclusions
￿ Development of crop varieties tolerant to biotic
and abiotic stresses, drought, salinity and high
temperature, fl ood and submergence, etc.,
through marker-assisted selection process
￿ Transgenic approaches to retard senescence in
fruits to reduce postharvest losses
￿ Development of livestock and fi sh varieties to
cope with biotic and abiotic stress levels
￿ Development of crops with enhanced water
and nitrogen use effi ciency and CO 2 fi xation
potential to increase productivity and for
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
￿ Building of soil carbon banks through fertil-
izer trees for enhancing soil nutrient status
￿ Screening of indigenous plant and animal
gene pools and cataloguing them according to
specifi c traits of agronomic value and conser-
vation and establishment of gene banks in situ
and ex situ
￿ Strengthening basic research in plant sciences
including phenomics and linking basic
research to farm level
￿ Developing and spreading true potato seed
(TPS) methodology for potato
￿ Development of hybrid rice strains character-
ized by hybrid vigor in the development of
root system
￿ Breeding salinity-tolerant crop varieties for
cultivation in coastal areas, based on genetic
engineering techniques
Genetic resources for food and agriculture
safeguard agricultural production and provide
options for coping with climate change (e.g.,
seeds with higher yields, better quality, earlier
maturity, better adaptation, and higher resistance
to diseases, insects, and environmental stress).
Domesticated species, breeds, and varieties and
their wild relatives will be the main source of
genetic resources for adaptation to climate
change. In situ and ex situ conservation and sus-
tainable use of genetic resources for food and
agriculture and their wild relatives will be critical
for the development of climate-resilient agricul-
ture. With the interdependence of countries
increasing, the transfer of genetic resources and
the knowledge related to their use needs to be
supported through effective cooperation between
countries. The fair and equitable sharing of ben-
efi ts arising from the use of genetic resources
also needs to be properly addressed.
Crop Production Adaptation
12.2.1 Key Issues
￿ Improved agronomic practices to reduce farm
￿ Conservation and precision farming
￿ Knowledge management
￿ Soil conservation, bio-fertilizer
￿ Policy instruments for optimum land use
The most effective way to address climate
change is to adopt a sustainable development
pathway by shifting to environmentally sustain-
able technologies and promotion and accelerated
adaptation of energy-effi cient equipments
(Mathur 2009 ), renewable energy, and conserva-
tion of natural resources. Improved agronomic
practices have the potential to help reduce farm
level losses through improved soil treatment;
increased water-use effi ciency; judicious use of
chemicals, labor, and energy; and increased soil
carbon storage. Targeted resource-conserving
technologies offer new opportunities for better
livelihoods for the resource poor, small, and mar-
ginal farmers. Technologies and Practices
￿ Use of micro-propagation and tissue-culture
techniques for rapid bulking of improved
￿ Formulation of a dynamic contingent seed
production and distribution plan
￿ Application of modern biotechnology tools
such as genetic transformation, marker- assisted
selection, doubled haploid, and mutation
breeding to supplement traditional breeding
In vitro conservation of critical adaptive genes
and genetic traits
Shifting the breeding strategy to per day rather
than per crop productivity for wheat
Promotion of sea-water farming through agri-
aqua farms and below sea-level farming as in
vogue in some parts of Kerala
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