Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Many road signs in South Korea are bilingual.
While the traffic rules aren't likely to shock new arrivals, the South Korean way of deal-
ing with accidents might. According to local convention, any driver involved in an accident
is partially responsible, simply by virtue of the fact that they happened to be there at the
time, even in incidents where the blame clearly lies with one party (a rear-ending, for ex-
ample). This means both parties involved in an accident are expected to compensate each
other at least to some extent, though the driver perceived to be more at fault will usually
pay more.
In minor fender benders, settlements are generally agreed on by both parties on the spot
without the involvement of insurance companies or (if possible) the police, but for bigger
incidents both will have to be called in. While insurers will typically cover all compensa-
tion claims, how much each party has to pay depends to a large extent to how successfully
they can plead their case with the police, so if you're not a fluent Korean speaker, it's vital
to have the contact numbers for your insurer or a Korean friend or colleague close at hand,
and to get them involved as soon as possible. Make sure receipts are issued for any com-
pensation payments issued to another driver.
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