Java Reference
In-Depth Information
There are four main types of operator.
Arithmetic operators
The Bitwise operators
Relational operators
Boolean logical operators
Arithmetic operators
Addition- This operator is used to add the values. It is represented by “+“. For
example A = a + 4.
Subtraction- This operator is used to subtract the values. It is represented by
“- “. For example A = a - 4.
Multiplication- This operator is used to multiply the values. It is represented
by “*“. For example A = a * 4.
Division- This operator is used to divide the values. It is represented by “/“.
For example A = a / 4.
Modulus- This operator is used to find the remainder of the values when di-
vided. It is represented by “%“. For example A = 2 % 4. Where A = 0.
Increment- This operator is used to increases its operand by one. It is repres-
ented by “++“. For example a = a++ which is equal to a= a+1.
Decrement: This operator is used to decreases its operands by one. It is rep-
resented by “--“. For example a = a-- which is equal to a= a-1.
Bitwise operators
Unary NOT- This inverts all of the bits of operand contained and it is represented by “~“.
For example
~00101010 = 11010101
And- It produces 1 bit if both operands are also 1 and it is represented by “&“.
For example
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