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that is, it's the distance to the closest point in S .If S divides space into a
well-defined inside and outside, then the signed distance function is
distance S ( x ): x is outside ,
φ S ( x )=
distance S ( x ): x is inside .
From now on we'll drop the subscript S and just call it φ ( x ). Points exactly
on the surface S have distance and signed distance equal to zero, regardless
of whether they are included in the inside or outside. (By convention in this
topic we'll include S with the inside region.) Therefore, both the distance
function and the signed distance function can be used to implicitly describe
the underling surface: S is the set of points where distance S ( x )or φ ( x )are
zero, the zero level set or isocontour.
Signed distance has many useful properties. For example, at some point
x inside the surface, let n be the unit-length direction toward the closest
point on the surface. Notice that for positive small enough, the signed
distance φ ( x + n )mustbe φ ( x )+ : if I move along this direction n ,my
closest point on the surface doesn't change, and my distance to it changes
by exactly how much I move. Therefore the directional derivative of φ in
this direction is 1:
n =1 .
Also notice that if I move in any other direction, φ cannot change any
faster—the fastest way to increase or decrease my distance to the surface
is obviously to move along the direction to the closest point. Thus, the
gradient of φ , which is the direction of steepest ascent, must in fact be the
direction n to the closest point on the surface:
Exactly the same result holds outside the surface. Putting the two previous
equations together, we see
n =
= 1 wherever it exists.
It can be shown that in fact signed distance is smooth (i.e., ∇φ and
higher derivatives exist) everywhere except on the medial axis , consisting
of points that are equidistant to different parts of the surface, and for
reasonable surfaces this is a small, lower-dimensional set indeed—and even
on the medial axis, it's still continuous, just with a kink. In particular,
if the surface itself is smooth, signed distance is smooth on and near the
surface. (In contrast, regular distance has a non-differentiable kink right
along S , making it decidedly less attractive numerically.) Another nice
feature that falls out of this is that for any point x , the closest point on
the surface is located at x
φ ( x )
φ ( x ).
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