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high frequency (sharp), it turns out IC is only effective at removing the
high-frequency components of error. On the other hand, MIC is forced to
match the action of A on the lowest frequency mode of all, the constant,
and thus is more effective at all frequencies. 6
In practice, you can squeeze out even better performance by taking a
weighted average between the regular incomplete Cholesky formula and the
modified one, typically weighting with 0.97 or more (getting closer to 1 for
larger grids). See Figure 4.6 for pseudocode to implement this in three
dimensions. We actually compute and store the reciprocals of the diagonal
entries of E in a grid variable called precon , to avoid divides when applying
the preconditioner.
The pseudocode in Figure 4.6 additionally has a built-in safety tol-
erance. In some situations, such as a single-cell-wide line of fluid cells
surrounded by solids, IC(0) and MIC(0) become exact—except that A
is singular in this case: the exact Cholesky factorization doesn't exist.
(First solve Lq = r )
For i=1 to nx , j=1 to ny , k=1 to nz :
If cell ( i, j, k ) is fluid:
t = r i,j,k Aplusi i− 1 ,j,k precon i− 1 ,j,k
q i− 1 ,j,k
Aplusj i,j− 1 ,k
precon i,j− 1 ,k
q i,j− 1 ,k
Aplusk i,j,k− 1 precon i,j,k− 1
q i,j,k− 1
q i,j,k = t
precon i,j,k
(Next solve L T z = q )
For i=nx down to 1 , j=ny down to 1 , k=nz down to 1 :
If cell ( i, j, k ) is fluid:
t = q i,j,k Aplusi i,j,k precon i,j,k
z i +1 ,j,k
Aplusj i,j,k
precon i,j,k
z i,j +1 ,k
Aplusk i,j,k precon i,j,k
z i,j,k +1
z i,j,k = t
precon i,j,k
Figure 4.7.
Applying the MIC(0) preconditioner in three dimensions ( z = Mr ).
6 Continuing this train of thought, looking for methods that work well on all frequency
components of the error can lead to multigrid that explicitly solves the equations at
multiple resolutions.
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