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we increment the negative divergence measured on the right-hand side with
a term involving the difference between fluid and solid velocity. This can
be implemented in code as an additional loop to modify rhs ,asshownin
Figure 4.3.
Putting It In Matrix-Vector Form
We have now defined a large system of linear equations for the unknown
pressure values. We can conceptually think of it as a large coecient
matrix, A , times a vector consisting of all pressure unknowns, p ,equaltoa
vector consisting of the negative divergences in each fluid grid cell, b (with
appropriate modifications at solid wall boundaries):
Ap = b.
In the implementation we have discussed so far, of course, p and b are
logically stored in a two or three-dimensional grid structure (since each
entry corresponds to a grid cell).
We needn't store A directly as a matrix. Notice that each row of A
corresponds to one equation, i.e., one fluid cell. For example, if grid cell
( i, j, k ) is fluid, then there will be a row of the matrix that we can label
with the indices ( i, j, k ). The entries in that row are the coecients of all
the pressure unknowns in that equation: almost all of these are zero except
possibly for the seven entries corresponding to p i,j,k and its six neighbors,
p 1 ,j,k , p i,j± 1 ,k ,and p i,j,k± 1 . (In two dimensions there are at most four
neighbors of course.) We only have non-zeros ( i, j, k ) and its fluid cell
neighbors. It is of course pointless to store all the zeros: this is a sparse
Let's take a closer look at A . In the equation for ( i, j, k ), the coecients
for neighboring fluid cells are all equal to
Δ t/ ( ρ Δ x 2 ), and if there are
n i,j,k fluid- or air-cell neighbors the coecient for p i,j,k is n i,j,k Δ t/ ( ρ Δ x 2 ).
One of the nice properties of the matrix A is that it is symmetric. For
example, A ( i,j,k ) , ( i +1 ,j,k ) , the coecient of p i +1 ,j,k in the equation for grid
cell ( i, j, k ), has to be equal to A ( i +1 ,j,k ) , ( i,j,k ) . Eitherit'szeroifoneof
those two cells is not fluid, or it's the same non-zero value. This symmetry
property will hold even with the more advanced discretization at the end
of the chapter. Thus we only have to store half of the non-zero entries in
A , since the other half are just copies!
This leads us to the following structure for storing A . In two dimen-
sions, we will store three numbers at every grid cell: the diagonal entry
A ( i,j ) , ( i,j ) and the entries for the neighboring cells in the positive directions,
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