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constant is related to the k th derivative of f —and if f isn't particularly
smooth, that could be huge and the Taylor series (taken up to that term)
isn't particularly useful.
Finite Differences in Space
Partial derivatives of smooth functions sampled on a grid can be estimated
using Taylor's theorem. For example, for a function q ( x ) sampled at grid
points spaced Δ x apart, i.e., q i = q ( x i )= q ( i Δ x ), Taylor's theorem gives
q i +1 = q i x ∂q
∂x ( x i )+ O x 2 ) .
We can rearrange this to get an estimate of ∂q/∂x at x i :
∂x ( x i )= q i +1
q i
+ O x ) .
Δ x
Note that after dividing through by Δ x , the error term was reduced to first
order , i.e., the exponent of Δ x in the O () notation is one.
Of course, you can also estimate the same derivative from q i− 1 ,using
Taylor's theorem for q i− 1 = q ( x i− 1 ):
∂x ( x i )= q i
q i− 1
Δ x
+ O x ) .
This is also only first-order accurate. Both this and the previous finite dif-
ference are one-sided , since values of q only to one side of the approximation
point are used.
We can get second-order accuracy by using both q i +1 and q i− 1 ,fora
centered or central finite difference: the value we're approximating lies in
the center of the points we use. Write down the Taylor series for both these
q i +1 = q i x ∂q
∂x ( x i )+ Δ x 2
2 q
∂x 2 ( x i )+ O x 3 ) ,
2 q
∂x 2 ( x i )+ O x 3 ) .
Now subtract them to get, after cancellation,
∂x ( x i )+ Δ x 2
Δ x ∂q
q i− 1 = q i
q i− 1 =2Δ x ∂q
∂x ( x i )+ O x 3 ) .
q i +1
Dividing through gives the second-order accurate central finite difference:
∂x ( x i )= q i +1
q i− 1
+ O x 2 ) .
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