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y(i) = 0
for j = rowstart(i) to rowstart(i+1)-1
y(i) += value(j)*x(colindex(j))
Figure 11.1. Pseudocode for multiplying an n × n static CSR matrix with a dense
vector, y = Ax .
It is fairly straightforward to multiply a static CSR sparse matrix with
a dense vector; see Figure 11.1 for pseudocode. It's another matter to
generalize the incomplete Cholesky preconditioner and associated triangu-
lar solves. It turns out, for general sparsity patterns, that the previous
simplification of only having to compute diagonal entries (and reusing the
off-diagonal entries of A ) doesn't hold, and furthermore the modified in-
complete Cholesky factorization cannot be computed with the same loop-
ordering presented earlier. It is more natural, in fact, to compute R = L T
in CSR format (or equivalently, L in a compressed sparse column format).
All that said, we can still define the regular incomplete factor from the
previous properties:
R is upper triangular, and R i,j = 0 wherever A i,j =0,
( R T R ) i,j = A i,j
wherever A i,j
Set tuning constant τ =0 . 97 and safety constant σ =0 . 25.
Copy the upper triangle of A into R (including the diagonal).
For k =0to n
1where R k,k
If R k,k <σA k,k then set R k,k A k,k , otherwise set R k,k
R k,k .
R k,j
R k,k
Rescale the rest of the k 'th row of R : R k,j
for stored
entries with j>k .
Loop over j>k where R k,j is stored:
Set δ = 0 (where we keep a sum of the elements we drop).
Loop over i>k where R k,i is stored:
If R j,i is stored, set R j,i
R j,i
R k,i R k,j ,otherwise
δ ← δ + R k,i R k,j .
Set R j,j
R j,j
τδ .
Figure 11.2. The calculation of the MIC(0) preconditioner R for general matrices
A ,usingCSRformat.
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