Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Hašek, Jaroslav (1883-1923). Anarchist, dog-breeder, lab assistant, bigamist, cabaret artist
and People's Commissar in the Red Army, Hašek was one of prewar Prague's most colourful
characters, who wrote the famous The Good Soldier Švejk and died from alcohol abuse in
Havel, Václav (1936-2011). Absurdist playwright of the 1960s, who became a leading
spokesperson of Charter 77 and, following the Velvet Revolution, the country's first post-
Communist president.
Havlíček-Borovský,Karel (1821-56). Satirical poet, journalist and nationalist, exiled to the
Tyrol by the Austrian authorities after 1848.
Hrabal, Bohumil (1936-97). Writer and bohemian, whose novels were banned under the
Communists, but revered worldwide.
Hus, Jan (1370-1415). Rector of Prague University and reformist preacher who was burnt
at the stake as a heretic by the Council of Constance.
Husák, Gustáv (1913-91). Slovak Communist who was sentenced to life imprisonment in
the show trials of the 1950s. Released in 1960, he eventually became General Secretary and
president following the Soviet invasion. Resigned in favour of Havel in December 1989.
Jirásek, Alois (1851-1930). Writer who popularized Czech legends for both children and
adults and became a key figure in the Czech national revival.
Jungmann, Josef (1773-1847). Prolific Czech translator and author of the seminal History
of Czech Literature and the first Czech dictionary.
Kafka, Franz (1883-1924). German-Jewish Praguer who worked as an insurance clerk in
Prague for most of his life, and also wrote some of the most influential novels of the twenti-
eth century, most notably The Trial .
Kelly,Edward (1555-97).English occultist whowas summoned toPrague byRudolf II,but
eventually incurred the wrath of the emperor and was imprisoned in Kokořín castle.
Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630). German Protestant forced to leave Linz for Denmark be-
cause of the Counter-Reformation. Succeeded Tycho de Brahe as Rudolf II's chief astro-
nomer. His observations of the planets became the basis of the laws of planetary motion.
Kisch, Egon Erwin (1885-1948). German-Jewish Praguer who became one of the city's
most famous investigative journalists.
Klaus, Václav (1941-). Known somewhat bitterly as “Santa Klaus”. Prime minister
ic reforms of the post-Communist period.
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