Environmental Engineering Reference
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White and Colebrook established an accurate good interpolation by
taking z 0 =
0 . 03 k s +
0 . 01 δ . For this transition region the equation reads:
5 . 75 u log
12 y
k s +
0 . 03 δ
The last equation can be transformed to the uniform flow equation of the
de Chézy (see Section 2.6).
In the horizontal direction, the velocity distribution is influenced
by the B / y ratio. For a non-wide canal ( B/y < 5), the velocity distribution
is three-dimensional. When the B/y ratio is larger than 5, the velocity
distribution becomes almost two-dimensional with the exception of a
small region near the vertical sidewalls.
Corrections in view of the average velocity
The velocity distribution in the vertical and width direction of a canal
incorporates the fact that the velocity is not the same in all the points of
the cross section. For that reason, the velocity in a point ( v A ) is not equal
to the average velocity
Q/A , but it can be written as v A
v .
The discharge Q is by definition equal to the average velocity
v times the
total area A , but it is also the sum of the volumes of water passing the
small areas A with a velocity v A .
v A A
v ) A
= (
± ( vA )
By definition: Q
The total energy in a cross section comprises the potential energy,
the pressure energy and the kinetic energy; the latter is expressed by the
velocity head v 2 /2 g . The velocity head for the average velocity differs
from the summation of the velocity head for each point and, therefore,
it should be multiplied by the coefficient of Coriolis ( α ) to obtain the
total head.
The mass of water flowing with a velocity v a through a small area
A is ρv a A . The kinetic energy passing that area per unit of time is
the product of the mass and the velocity squared: ½ ρv a A and the total
vA ) and hence:
kinetic energy for the whole cross section is: ½ ρv A A .
The total kinetic energy for the whole cross section can be expressed
as αρA (
v 3 / 2 g ).
Equating this quantity with ½ ρv A A results in
( v A
v ) 3 A
A )
v 3
A )
v 3
A )
v 3 A
v 2 vA
vv 2 A
v 3
A )
v 3
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