Environmental Engineering Reference
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Pores or small cavities between the particles in a rock or soil mass, may be
occupied by air, water or both; the spaces between stones or gravel in river
Volume Control
Flow control method with the set point in the middle of the downstream or
upstream canal section.
Wash load
Portion of the suspended load with particle sizes smaller than those
found in the bed; in near-permanent suspension and transported without
deposition; the amount of wash load transported through a section is
independent of the transport capacity of the flow.
Washout or washing-out
Erosion of earth from canal banks or below structures, caused by excessive
flow velocity and turbulence, accumulation of debris, burrowing animals,
or bad drainage, leading to a complete breakdown of banks, structures, or
Elevation of the free water surface relative to a datum; also called stage or
gauge height.
Water-level regulator
Structure to regulate the water level.
Water-surface slope
Difference in elevation of the water surface per unit horizontal distance in
the flow direction.
Wave amplitudes
The magnitude of the greatest departure from equilibrium of the wave
Wave celerity
The speed of wave propagation.
Wave frequency
The inverse of wave period.
Wave height
The vertical distance between the trough and the following crest.
Wave period
Time taken for two successive wave crests to pass the same point.
The straight-line distance between two successive wave crests.
Moritz Weber (1871-1951) - German Professor.
Weber number
Dimension less number characterizing the ratio of inertial forces over
surface tension forces.
It is relevant in problems with gas-liquid or
liquid-liquid interfaces.
Wetted perimeter
The length of wetted contact between water and the solid boundaries of a
cross-section of an open channel; usually measured in a plane normal to
the flow direction.
Wetted surface
The surface area in contact with the flowing water in an open channel.
Dimension of a channel measured normal to the flow direction.
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