Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) represents Australia's exploration, mining and min-
erals processing industry, nationally and internationally, in its contribution to sustainable
development and society. It aims to promote the development of a safe, proi table and
environmentally responsible minerals industry that is internationally competitive and
attuned to community expectations. ( www.minerals.org.au )
Mining Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD) was an independent two-year
project of participatory analysis seeking to understand how the mining and minerals sec-
tor can best contribute to the global transition to sustainable development. MMSD was
managed by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in
London, UK, under contract to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
(WBCSD). The project was initiated by WBCSD and supported by the Global Mining
Initiative (GMI). ( www.iied.org/mmsd )
www.mining-technology.com/projects provides its own descriptions of many of the
world's larger mining projects, including descriptions of their operations and investments
( www.mining-technology.com/projects )
www.mining-journal.com , which provides links direct to the websites of major mining
companies ( www.mining-journal.com )
www.minesite.com , which also provides links to company sites, but is more geared to gold
mining ( www.minesite.com ).
National Geophysical Data Centre provides extensive information on a range of natu-
ral hazards including volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami, and meteorology. ( www.ngdc.
noaa.gov )
Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association provides information on the use
and properties of nickel and the safe use of nickel in the workplace. ( www.nipera.org )
Responsible Gold , Northwest Mining Association, 2005 maintains an interactive site
that links amongst others to the National Mining Association's site titled, U.S. Laws and
Regulations Governing gold mining on Private and Federal Lands that outlines much of
the permitting process that a new mine performs. ( www.responsiblegold.org )
The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) obtained elevation data on a near-global
scale to generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic database of Earth.
SRTM consisted of a specially modii ed radar system that l ew onboard the Space Shuttle
Endeavour during an 11-day mission in February of 2000. Topographic data are made
available at ( www.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm ).
Sulphide Solutions aims to increase general knowledge in industry about sulphuric mate-
rials and their effective management. ( www.ansto.gov.au/sulphide )
South African Chamber of Mines is a prominent industry employers' organization that
exists to serve its members and promote their interests in the South African mining indus-
try. ( www.bullion.org.za )
UNEP Production and Consumption Unit Environmental Management website provides
a number of useful Strategies and Tools for cleaner production, sustainable consumption,
APELL, and tools. APELL is a strategic program that provides detailed guidelines for
the development and implementation of highly effective, integrated, and well-practiced
emergency response plans in local communities. The website is part of the Division of
Technology, Industry and Economics website. It also has many useful links and a section
targeted at the mining industry. ( www.uneptie.org )
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